Here is that crazy damn beautiful hat! with my luvly bear as it's model...x3's sooo nice isn't it? ^^
I bought this hat for 175.000 rupiah! very expensive, yet i'm satisfied...*evil laught*
Haha...sorry for wasting so much money, but experience is the best way of spending money, right?
i'm sure that i'll make a great biking experience with this thing over my head now...^^
lamanya tidak ke blog kak amey, hehe.
cuman 1 kak bonekanya ? kalau ada lagi buat tifa boleng dong yaaa ;p
hahaha...boneka beruangnya ada dua kok tifa..tapi dua2nya pemberian dari orang yg spesial...
i should never give what people gave to me, right? =D
iya kak bener, kalau gitu kak amey beli baru deh terus bagi ke saya hahahhaha :p